
Go ahead and mention my child,
The one that died, you know.
Don't worry about hurting me further.
The depth of my pain doesn't show.
Don't worry about making me cry,
I am already crying inside.
Help me to heal by releasing the tears
that I try to hide.
I am hurt when you just keep silent,
Pretending he did not exist.
I'd rather you mention my child,
knowing that he has been missed.
You ask me how I was doing,
I say "pretty good", or "fine."
But healing is somthing ongoing
I feel it will take a lifetime.

Author Unknown

    My Dearest Rudy Tooty    

It's hard to believe you have been gone for 17 years.
I sit here and wonder about the young man
you would have been brought us so much joy in your 6 1/2 months, I wouldn't trade one second of that time. Your Big Sister Rhianna
has grown into a wonderful young woman, she misses you so very much. I Love and Miss you very much Rudy...............always remember this
"Be sweet little one, sleep tight and goodnight, if you can't go to bed ask God to leave on a small light. Mommy will see you soon, you don't have to be scared, if you need me little one, mommy's heart is with you, I'm always right there."

© Penny Parker

© 2005 KissesforRudy
All Rights Reserved